
These By-Laws are the rules by which the New Hampshire Track Officials Association (NHTOA) carries out its functions and operates under the final authority of its Constitution and no rule made here-in can take precedent over the NHTOA Constitution.


The principal place of business of the NHTOA shall be at a place designated by the President and the Executive Board.


Section 1: Membership shall be of the following types as defined in Article III, Section 2 of the NHTOA Constitution:
a) Active: An active member is one who is properly registered with the NHTOA and who meets the membership requirements.
b) Life: Any active official who, having served the sport faithfully and well for a minimum of 25 years, may be selected for life membership by the association. A Life member shall retain all rights of active voting membership, shall not pay annual NHTOA dues, but, if they desire insurance, they shall be responsible for cost.
c) Inactive: Any member who does not want to officiate, but, wishes to maintain contact with the NHTOA may petition the Executive Board for inactive status for one year.

Section 2: Members will abide by general Sport Officiating policies of the NHIAA.

Reference NHIAA handbook By-Law Article IX Sports Officiating Section 4: A. thru J. and Section 5.

(Article II, Section 2 Revised March 2, 2013)


Section 1: Active Members:
a) Must observe the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association.
b) Are entitled to one vote in the conduct of NHTOA business.
c) Are eligible to hold office in the Association.
d) Are eligible to be assigned and serve as a certified official of the NHTOA.
e) Must attend the Annual Meeting or a NHTOA sponsored annual clinic.
f) Must show satisfactory evidence of competence in officiating Track & Field and Cross Country.
g) Must pass the National Federation Track & Field and Cross Country exam each year.
h) Must pay appropriate annual NHTOA dues for Active members.
i) Shall receive NFHS membership insurance, rule book, case book, and officials manual.
j) Shall maintain conduct that reflects professionalism as an Official and brings credit to the Association and its members.

Section 2: Life Members:
a) Must observe the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association.
b) Are entitled to one vote in the conduct of NHTOA business.
c) Are eligible to hold office, in the Association.
d) Are eligible to serve as a certified official of the NHTOA provided they show satisfactory evidence of competence in officiating Track & Field and Cross Country, pass the National Federation Track & Field and Cross Country exam each year.
e) Are NOT required to pay annual NHTOA dues but if they desire NFHS membership insurance, they shall be responsible for the cost.
f) Shall receive a rule book, case book, and officials manual.
g) Shall maintain conduct that reflects professionalism as an Official and brings credit to the Association and its members.

Section 3: Inactive Members:
a) Must observe the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association.
b) May attend meetings and NHTOA sponsored clinics, but are NOT entitled to vote in the conduct of NHTOA business.
c) Are NOT eligible to hold office, in the Association.
d) Are NOT eligible to serve as a certified official of the NHTOA.
e) Shall maintain conduct that reflects professionalism as an Official and brings credit to the Association and its members.
f) Must petition the Executive Board of the Association to be reinstated.

(Article III Revised March 2, 2013)