Section 1: Meetings, Clinics, and Interpretations
a) There shall be one annual business meeting and at least one association sponsored annual clinic each school year.
b) A rules interpretation session shall be held at both the annual business meeting and the association sponsored clinic(s) each school year.

Section 2: Meetings, Clinics and Notices
a) The annual business meeting of the Association shall be held in any of the three months prior to April first each year.
b) The association sponsored annual clinic(s) shall be held on a date or dates specified by the Executive Board each year.
c) Each member of the Association shall be given written notice of the place, date, and time of the annual meeting and the association sponsored annual clinic(s) at least one month in advance.
d) The Executive Board will audit the books and financial records of the Association prior to the annual meeting.

(Article IV, Section 2a Revised March 3, 2024)

Section 3: All other meetings of the Association shall be called by and at the discretion of the President or a majority of the Executive Board by written notice with a minimum of two weeks prior notice whenever possible. This does not apply to committees.
a) Committee meetings shall be held upon notice to the President and Executive Board.
b) Committee meetings may be called by the President, Executive Board, or committee chairman.

Section 4: A quorum to transact any Association business at any annual or special meeting shall consist of one more than half of the Association members in good standing.

Section 5: Rules of order to conduct general Association meetings shall be presented to the membership by the President prior to the start of the meeting.

Section 6: The tentative Order of Business for the annual business meeting shall be:
a) Call to Order
b) President’s Report
c) Committee Reports
d) Correspondence
e) Approval of the Secretary’s Report
f) Approval of the Treasurer’s Report
g) Old Business
h) New Business
i) Rules Interpretation
j) Elections


Section 1: The nominations for and election of the Executive Officers and Board shall take place at the annual meeting, every other year.

Section 2: A nominating committee shall be appointed by the President to select a slate of candidates for the Executive Board officers and other Executive Board members. Additional nominations for any Board opening may be proposed from the floor at the annual meeting by any active member with the support of one (1) other member. The nominee must express willingness to serve.

Section 3: Election of Executive Board members shall be by vote and the elected Board members shall assume their positions as of July 1 of the same year. Election of the Board shall be by simple majority of
the members present eligible to vote as defined herein. Should no candidate for an opening receive a majority, a run off between the top two candidates shall be held.

Section 4: Elections
a) The general membership shall elect the Association officers and other persons to serve on the Executive Board.
b) The length of service for one term shall be two years.
c) Elections shall be held during the annual general membership meeting of each year.
d) Each eligible member may vote for any number of candidates, but is limited to the number of positions up for election for the coming year. If two or more candidates are nominated for the same office, the vote shall be taken by written, secret ballot.
e) The candidates with the most votes shall be elected.
f) If there is a tie between any number of candidates, then those candidates shall be in a run off election until the tie is broken. After two attempts have failed to break the tie, a flip of the coin shall decide the outcome.
g) The Executive Board shall fill any vacancies for unexpired terms, except that of President.