Section 1: Eligibility — A person shall be eligible to be a member of the Executive Board who is currently an Active or Life member of the Association and who has been a member of the Association for at least one year prior to the date of election or appointment.

Section 2: Composition — There shall be ten members of the Executive Board which shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Rules Interpreter, Supervisor of Officials, three Regional Members-at-Large, and the Immediate Past-President. Each member shall have the power to vote as provided in this constitution with the exception of the Immediate Past-President, who shall serve as an ex-officio member only.

Section 3 : Powers
a) The Executive Board shall have charge of the property, control and management of the affairs and funds of the Association, and shall do so consistent with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association.
b) The Executive Board shall approve the expenses of the Association.
c) The Executive Board shall approve all committees as provided for in the By-Laws.
d) The Executive Board shall have the power to appoint an Assignor who shall assist hosting high schools in assigning the required official(s) to work regular season or invitational meets.
e) The Executive Board shall establish regional borders based upon membership distribution prior to annual meeting notice. The regions shall have proportional representation.

Section 4: Quorum — A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum. No business shall be conducted, nor any vote taken without a quorum being present.


Section 1: President — The president shall:
a) preside over all meetings of the Association, and shall have powers to perform the duties of his office as prescribed by the constitution and by laws.
b) appoint such committees as may be required with Executive Board approval.
c) be an ex-officio member of all Association committees.
d) convene a minimum of four Executive Board meetings per calendar year. There shall be at least one meeting per quarter.

Section 2: Vice-President — The Vice-President shall:
a) assist the president in conducting the business of the Association.
b) in the absence of the President, assume all duties pertaining to the office.
c) assume the President’s position if the office of President becomes vacant before the term expires.

Section 3: Secretary — The secretary shall:
a) serve as recording officer of the Association.
b) serve as custodian of all Association records.
c) keep the membership roll and current status of each member of the Association, and to call the roll where it is required.
d) have on hand at each meeting a list of all existing committees and their members.
e) make the minutes and records of all general and Executive Board meetings available to all association members in good standing.
f) provide current membership a report of the annual meeting along with an updated list of all members within 60 days of the annual meeting.
g) maintain official communication between the Association and other organizations.
h) be responsible for the distribution of rule books, case books, and officials manual to all members in good standing.
i) upon completing the term, turn in all records and materials in good order, and in a timely fashion to the incoming secretary.
j) In the event the Treasurer is unable for any reason to perform the duties , the Secretary shall have the responsibility until the position is filled.

Section 4: Treasurer — The treasurer shall:
a) receive and, on order from the Association or the Executive Board, pay out funds of the Association.
b) maintain the financial records including receipts of the income and expenditures of the Association.
c) furnish the Books of the Association for an audit when requested by a minimum of five (5) members of the Association.
d) provide the secretary with a list of current members who have paid dues within 30 days after the annual meeting.
e) provide an financial report to the membership at the annual meeting. Upon completing the term, turn in all records and materials in good order, and in a timely fashion to the incoming Treasurer.

Section 5: Rules Interpreter — The rules interpreter shall
a) be responsible for an annual clinic on rule changes and interpretation.
b) be available to officials and coaches for questions regarding rule changes and interpretation resulting from conflicts at Cross Country, Indoor ,and Outdoor Track meets in our state.
c) maintain communication with the appropriate governing bodies regarding rules and their interpretation.

Section 6: Regional Members-at-Large — Regional Members-at-Large shall:
a) recommend policy to the membership and Executive Board.
b) perform any other duties assigned by the Executive Board.

Section 7: Supervisor of Officials — The Supervisor of Officials shall abide by NHIAA By-Law Article IX and:
a) represent the Association on the NHIAA Track and Cross Country committees, attend all meetings and keep membership informed of actions that affect this Association.
b) assist the NHIAA Track and Cross Country committees and hosting high schools in assigning officials to work class and state meets.
c) supervise, evaluate, and maintain records of all working officials.
d) report conflicts and issues related to officiating performance of Association members to the Board of Conduct, the Executive Board, and the NHIAA.
e) report inappropriate coach, competitor, and spectator behavior to the NHIAA.

Section 8: Immediate Past-President — The Immediate Past-President shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting, member of the Executive Board. This position is advisory in nature and does not count as part of the quorum.