Section 1: The name of this organization shall be THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TRACK OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION, also referred to as the Association herein. The Association’s name may be abbreviated, when practical, using the initials NHTOA.
Section 1: The purposes of this Association shall be:
a) to promote the highest standards of excellence in the officiating of track and field and cross country in the State of New Hampshire.
b) to promote consistent interpretation, administration and enforcement of the official rules within track and field and cross country programs.
c) to provide instructional, interpretation and safety clinics, meetings, training and testing programs for the officiating of track and field and cross country.
d) to provide coaches with an annual rules review and interpretation.
e) to cooperate with other organizations in the interest of promoting the sports of track and field and cross country at all appropriate levels.
Section 1: Membership shall be extended to all individuals who understand and support the purpose of the Association, upon application and acceptance according to its Constitution.
Section 2: Membership shall be of the following types:
a) Active: An active member is one who is properly registered with the Association and who meets the membership requirements.
b) Life: Any active official who, having served the sport faithfully and well for a minimum of 25 years in the State of New Hampshire, may be selected for life membership by the Association. Nominations for Life Membership must be submitted to the Executive Board for review and endorsement prior to being voted on by the general membership.
c) Inactive: Any member who does not want to officiate but wishes to maintain contact with the Association may petition the Executive Board for inactive status for one year.
Section 3: Initial application for Active Membership shall require minimum prerequisites as follows:
a) Participate in one training session and one rules interpretation meeting.
b) Pass the National Federation examination.
c) Show proficiency by officiating a minimum of two scheduled meets under the supervision of a certified official.
d) Pay annual Association dues.
e) Applicants must not be a high school student and must be at least 18 years of age.
Section 4: Membership Privileges:
a) Active members are entitled to one vote in the conduct of Association business, are eligible to hold office, and serve as a certified official of the association.
b) Life officials shall retain all rights of active voting membership, shall not be liable for payment of annual Association dues, but, if they desire insurance, they shall be responsible for costs.
c) Inactive: Any member who does not want to officiate but wishes to maintain contact with the Association may petition the Executive Board for inactive status.
Section 5: Active Membership Obligations:
a) Observe the constitution and by-laws.
b) Attend the annual meeting or the association sponsored annual clinic(s).
c) Give satisfactory evidence of competence in officiating Track and Field and Cross Country.
d) Pass the National Federation examination every year.
e) Pay annual Association dues.
f) Maintain conduct that reflects professionalism as an official and which shall bring credit to the Association and its members.
g) Pay annual NHIAA fee.
Section 6: Life Membership Obligations:
If a Life Member wishes to officiate, he/she must meet the same obligations as Active Membership, EXCEPT he/she is not required to pay annual NHTOA dues.
(Article III, Section 6 Revised March 1, 2014)