Section 1: Eligibility — A person shall be eligible to be a member of the Board of Conduct who is currently an Active or Life member of the Association and who has been a member of the Association for at least one year prior to the date of election or appointment and is not a member of the Executive Board.

Section 2: Composition — There shall be five members of the Board of Conduct which shall consist of the Chair, Secretary, one Member-at-Large, and two alternate members.

Section 3: Appointment
a) The Board of Conduct shall be appointed by the Executive Board.
b) The length of service for one term shall be two years.

Section 4: Vacancies — The Executive Board shall fill any vacancy for the unexpired portion of the term.

Section 5: Powers
a) The judicial power of the Association shall be vested in the Board of Conduct.
b) The three regular members of the Board of Conduct shall have the power to vote.
c) The alternate members shall only be permitted to participate and vote in meetings when requested to replace a regular member in case of an absence or a conflict of interest.

Section 6: Expulsion, Suspension, and Reinstatement:
a) The Board of Conduct of the Association shall have the power to censor [censure], suspend or expel any member for conduct unbecoming a member of the Association.
b) The member shall receive written notice of any and all charges against him or her and shall receive such notice by certified mail from the Board of Conduct. This notice shall be mailed within 14 days from the time the Board of Conduct receives a report from the Supervisor of Officials at a meeting of the Board of Conduct. After receiving such notice, a member shall have a right to a hearing before a Board of Conduct prior to any disciplinary action being taken. The Board of Conduct shall issue a written decision regarding the disciplinary action taken against the member.
c) If the member waives his or her right to a hearing, then the Appeals Board shall make a decision and notify the member by certified mail.
d) The Board of Conduct and shall send a copy of said decision to the member by certified mail.
e) If the member disagrees with the decision of the Board of Conduct regarding any disciplinary actions taken against him or her, then there shall be a right to appeal through the Association’s Executive Board. The Executive Board shall act as an Appeals Board. The decision of the Executive Board shall be final and without further appeal.


Section 1: Association dues shall be presented for approval at the annual general membership meeting. The dues approved shall apply when the dues are paid at the following annual general membership meeting for the next Association year beginning April 1st and ending March 31st.

Section 2: Association dues shall be used to promote the Association and its activities and are to remain part of the Association’s financial accounts.

Section 3: The due date to pay annual Association dues is April 1st of the current Association year for the following year beginning April 1st and ending March 31st. Failure to pay annual Association dues 30 days after the due date shall result in the assessment of a late fee as determined by the Executive Board. All privileges of membership shall be suspended for the following year until all arrears are paid in full.

Section 4: Life members are excluded from payment of Association dues.

Section 5: The Executive Board, upon receipt of written application may waive, suspend or reduce the Association dues of any member for the fiscal year for good reason.

(Article IX, Section 5 Revised March 1, 2014)


Section 1: This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of the membership present at the annual meeting.

Section 2: Written notification of proposed amendments shall be sent to each member of the Association by the secretary a minimum of one month prior to the meeting convened to discuss and vote on the amendments.


Section 1: If, for any reason, this Association fails to exist in the future, the assets of the Association shall be donated to the New Hampshire Special Olympics.